After a brief discussion of how to incorporate the improvisation and full-bodied practicality of dance into teaching aesthetics, illustrated with the context of the ongoing genocide in Palestine, I flesh out one section of my recent article on the role of dance in the past, present and future of the Afro-Caribbean religion known as Vodou. More specifically, I consider three pivotal moments in the history of Vodou dance, namely how (1) Petwo Vodou’s “black magic” was consciously deployed in the Haitian Revolution; (2) the newly liberated Haiti’s leaders, too, immediately outlawed Vodou; and (3) Vodou later empowered resistance to the U.S. occupation of Haiti from 1914 to 1934. In closing, I note how, in the present, dance is being eliminated from Vodou, which is being reduced to a form of (middle-class white self-care) personal healing. Finally, I suggest one possible future, in which whitewashed social Afro-Latin dances such as “salsa” might, by being reconnected to their historical origins as forms of Vodou dance, be re-spiritualized and re-politicized in pursuit of revolutionary social justice.
BIO: Joshua M. Hall, clinical ethicist at UAB Medical Center (fourth-largest hospital in the U.S.), earned his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University, and served as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Philosophy at William Paterson University (before 40% of the tenure-line faculty were laid off, citing COVID). His research focuses various historical and geographical lenses on philosophy's boundaries, particularly the intersection of aesthetics, psychology and social justice. This includes sixty-five peer-reviewed journal articles (including in The Pluralist, Philosophy and Literature, and Oxford University’s Essays in Criticism), ten anthology chapters, and coediting (with Sarah Tyson) Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration. Finally, his related work in the arts includes a nomination, by the editors of Verdad literary journal, for inclusion in the 16th annual Best of the Net Anthology, one mini-chapbook collection (Bachata Adobe), and poems in numerous literary journals (recently including North Dakota Quarterly, Folio, Off the Coast, and Roanoke Review), along with thirty years’ experience in dance.
Kate Ramsey, The Spirits and the Law: Vodou and Power in Haiti (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).
Karen McCarthy Brown, Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010)
Yvonne Daniel, Dancing Wisdom: Embodied Knowledge in Haitian Vodou, Cuban Yoruba, and Bahian Candomblé (Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2005).
Joshua M. Hall, “Tornadic Black Angels: Vodou, Dance Revolution,” Journal of Black Studies 54(2): 2023: